Signs Of A Yeast Infection & How To Deal With It Naturally

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Keeping yourself healthy should be a priority, which is why you should visit your ob-gyn and eat a well balanced diet. But, health issues can still arise, like vaginal infections (or yeast infections) that occur in about 75 percent of women at least once. The following guide will show you how to deal with it and signs that you may have such an infection.

Common Symptoms Related To A Vaginal Infection

A vaginal infection or yeast infection is usually associated with an overgrowth of Candida, which is a type of yeast. This overgrowth is associated with the consumption of bad sugars, processed foods, and processed carbohydrates. Yeast infections also occur because you have diabetes, unusually high estrogen levels, or you are taking some type of antibiotic.

The following are some symptoms that you may notice:

  • There may be some itching
  • You might experience some soreness
  • There could be pain or a burning sensation when you urinate or have sex
  • Some women notice a white, clumpy discharge that has no odor and could look like cottage cheese

Be sure to talk to your ob-gyn if you notice any of the aforementioned symptoms, so that he or she can help you get to the bottom of the problem.

Natural Remedies That May Help

Consider some of the following natural solutions that may help while you wait for your appointment:

Fermented Foods

The yeast that is wreaking havoc is usually eaten away or controlled by your body's natural probiotic content, which are good bacteria. You can find huge amounts of good bacteria, probotics, or live cultures in fermented foods. Studies have shown how live cultures may help reduce the infection because they will begin to eat away the infection. You will need some of the following:

  • Raw milk or fermented milk or kefir
  • Yogurt with live cultures
  • Aged cheese from unpasteurized milk
  • Kombucha or other types of naturally fermented drinks

You can purchase most of these from your local health food store, farmer's market, or farm.

Coconut Oil

Another good yeast infection combatant is coconut oil, as long as it is unrefined and organic to ensure you are getting the strongest yeast-killing type of coconut oil. The reason that coconut oil is good is because the fatty acids, like acrylic acid, seem to be extremely poisonous to Candida.

You can simply apply some coconut oil to your cleaned vagina, or use a little coconut oil with your douche. You can also purchase unbleached and unscented tampons to dip in coconut oil. Leave the coconut oil-drenched tampon in your vagina for a few hours.

Remember that these solutions are just meant to help and not replace your ob-gyn's advice or medications.
