Dealing With Your Child's Eczema

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When you first spot an oozing, red rash on your infant, you may panic a bit. When the pediatrician tells you it's just eczema, you may feel relieved. However, even though eczema is not a serious condition, it can be a troublesome one. Your child will probably outgrow eczema by the teenage years, but it is an unsightly condition that often causes your child serious discomfort. This red and painfully itchy rash can be medically treated, but you can also help by taking certain measures at home.

Water Softening

Hard water is harder on the skin than soft water. The minerals present in hard water can irritate the skin in several ways. Hard water has a drying effect which can make eczema worse. Body soaps and laundry detergents can also exacerbate the condition. Soft water allows you to use a smaller amount of these products, meaning your child's skin is less likely to become irritated. Having a water softening system installed can reduce the severity of your child's condition.


Moisturizing your child's skin can reduce the itching, making it easier for them not to scratch. When children scratch their eczema, it can make the condition worse. In addition, they may create open sores that can become infected. Experts recommend thicker moisturizers such as petroleum jelly, but other types will also work as long as they are applied regularly after bathing and handwashing.


Your child's allergies can help trigger eczema attacks, so preventing flare-ups can help reduce outbreaks. Having respiratory and skin allergies properly treated can benefit your child's eczema.  Excess heat is also frequently a trigger, so keeping your home properly cooled in the summer time is helpful. If your child becomes stressed due to conditions at home or school, their eczema may erupt in reaction to their emotional state. The healthier your child is overall, the better able you will be to control this skin condition.

Eczema usually looks worse than it is. Still, it can make your child miserable, especially when they cannot scratch their skin to find relief. You do need to consult a doctor for help with controlling your child's eczema, but you can also reduce outbreaks and the severity of symptoms by taking a few steps at home. A happy, healthy child will usually suffer less from eczema, so simply keeping them safe and well-tended can help keep their skin condition under control. Visit for more information. 
