There Are Many Kinds Of Tremors
There are a lot of people who have tremors and there are a wide variety of tremors. Some of them are fairly harmless, while others can be a sign of a larger problem. The best way to know what kind of tremor you have and if it is a sign of something else, is to see a neurologist. They can tell you what you need to know. So, what are some kind of tremors?
A tremor happens when the muscles in your body start to move involuntarily and rhythmically. That causes your body part to start shaking. Generally, you are going to see tremors in your hands and possibly your arms, but they can also show up in your legs or vocal cords. The tremor may show up intermittently, or you may be tremoring all the time. You are generally going to see a tremor start when you are middle-aged or older.
Resting Tremors
Resting tremors happen when your body is at rest or not doing anything. For example, if you are sitting in your recliner watching TV and you notice that your hand is shaking, even when there is nothing more to be doing otherwise. Resting tremors can be associated with Parkinson's.
Active Tremors
An active tremor happens when you are moving whatever body part is tremoring. This would be something that you would notice when you are just walking around living your life.
Intention Tremor
An intention tremor happens when you are specifically trying to do something. Your hand will start to shake, but as you get closer to whatever it is you are trying to do, your hand will start to shake more and more. For example, if you are trying to brush your hair or eating, as you get your brush or fork closer to your head, your hand will start to shake even more. This can also be associated with Parkinson's.
Task-Specific Tremor
Another kind of tremor is a task-specific tremor. With this kind of tremor, you only notice it when you are doing a particular kind of task. For example, you might notice this when you are trying to write. Your hand will shake only when you are trying to write and not at any other time.
If you have noticed that you have some kind of tremor, you need to make sure that you go see your primary care physician. They will likely send you to a neurosurgeon so that they can run tests and find out exactly what's causing your tremors.