Why Is Residential Addiction Treatment Preferred Over Outpatient Care?
Addiction is a disease, and like any disease, it requires the proper treatment if you want to recover. Many people who suffer from addiction attempt recovery through outpatient programs. They may attend therapy sessions a few times per week and perhaps go to support groups here and there as well. This approach works for some, but for many addicts, enrolling in a residential treatment program is a far better option. Here's why.
1. Residential programs get you out of your daily routine.
When you are dealing with addiction, your daily routine likely includes using your substance of choice. Continuing your current routine without using your substance of choice will be tough when many things about your daily routine remind you of using it. In a residential program, you'll be pulled completely away from your daily routine, and you'll have to establish a new one. Feeding your addiction won't be a part of that routine, but managing and treating your addiction and its contributing factors will be. It's a lot easier to establish a new routine in a different environment where you don't have the constant reminders of your temptation to fall back into the old one.
2. Residential programs give you access to many types of treatment, all in one place.
Different approaches work for different people. Some people really thrive in group therapy, but others need more individual care. Some really benefit from cognitive behavioral therapy, whereas others benefit from hypnosis. In a residential care program, you will have access to all sorts of treatments in one place. You can try one, see how it works, and then try something new if you'd like. There will also be medical professionals on hand to recommend approaches that may best suit your personal needs, and to make sure you're choosing treatments that fit your own health requirements.
3. Residential programs give you the opportunity to form a new community.
Chances are, you're not currently friends with a lot of recovered addicts. Many of your friends are probably still stuck in their own addiction. Aside from these people, it may feel like others may not be able to relate to you since they've never had an addiction themselves. In a residential treatment facility, you'll meet all sorts of other people who share your experiences with addiction. You'll be able to turn to these people for support, and you'll feel less alone with them in your corner. Having this community in place will help you avoid relapse.
Contact a company that offers residential addiction treatment in order to learn more.