Four Therapeutic Techniques Utilized By Physical Therapists

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You rely on your body to allow you to interact with the world. After an injury or surgery, you may not be able to do all the things you normally do. Dealing with physical limitations can be frustrating. Fortunately, physical therapy can help you recover.

Physical therapy is administered by healthcare professionals who specialize in physical rehabilitation. They have the anatomical and practical knowledge required to help patients regain their physical capabilities. Here are four therapeutic techniques utilized by physical therapists.

1. Nutrition Counseling

The human body needs adequate nutrition for optimal health. This is especially true when you're recovering from an injury. Your physical therapist can provide nutrition counseling if necessary. They will let you know which foods you should eat to support a healthy body while in physical therapy.

2. Physical Manipulation

Physical therapists are hands-on healthcare workers. They utilize several techniques that require physical manipulation of a patient's body. Massage is one such technique. Unlike the massages performed at a spa, which are primarily geared toward stress relief, therapeutic massage is performed with physical rehabilitation in mind. Therapeutic massage may utilize deep tissue techniques, which might be uncomfortable at times. Your physical therapist may also guide you through assisted stretches to loosen areas of tightness in your muscles.

3. Isolation Exercises

When you exercise on your own, you probably strive for a full-body workout. Full-body workouts are an admirable goal, but they won't help you recover from an injury. Your body is a delicate machine made of many small components. When one part of your body is damaged, the surrounding muscles must work harder to compensate. Over time, this can lead to more injuries.

A physical therapist will help you heal by prescribing isolation exercises. These exercises are designed to target one muscle group at a time. They may not feel like much at first, but strengthening the muscles responsible for supporting your posture and joints is vital during recovery.

4. Hydrotherapy

If you are fitness savvy, you have probably heard of aqua aerobics. Aqua aerobics are aerobic exercises performed in the water to cut down on the amount of pressure exerted on sensitive joints. Hydrotherapy follows similar principles. It allows physical therapists to help patients whose bodies are too fragile to perform many exercises on land. Hydrotherapy can be a powerful tool in your physical therapy arsenal. With diligent work, you can safely build up your muscles in a comfortable, aquatic environment.

For more information on physical therapy, contact a local clinic such as Hands-On Physical Therapy.
