How To Help Your Loved One Get Treatment For Substance Abuse
Whenever someone you care about is suffering from a chronic problem it can be hard to know how to help them. After all, if they won't listen to their doctor or friends, what could you possibly offer? The truth is that often it is only when those closest to you let you know you have a problem that you start to take it seriously. If you want to help a family member or loved one get substance abuse treatment but don't know where or how to start, then here are three tips that you can try to put into practice.
Don't Facilitate
The worst thing you can do is tacitly help or endorse your loved ones' substance addiction by either giving them money for the drug or alcohol or by allowing them to use your property as a place to practice their addiction. Addiction is not a personality failure, it is a serious mental disorder that they are not in control of. The only way they can get help is by qualified, medical personnel. If they get mad or upset at this rule of yours, then encourage them to seek substance abuse treatment, particularly if they live with you.
Set Boundaries
Apart from ending your loved ones' ability to practice their addiction in your home, you also need to set boundaries around your time with them so they know you are as serious about their addiction as they should be. Incorporate rules like they can't be high or drunk in your home, they have to look presentable, they must be on time, or you won't let your kids or vulnerable family members see them, etc. This is hard but it is necessary to help the person reflect on how genuinely dangerous their actions are.
Have A Solution
It can come as a surprise when someone who has a substance abuse addiction actually asks for help. You might not even have a number or professional to call to get them the help they need, and the opportunity can slip away. Always be prepared so that when a cry for help does come you can act immediately by getting them into the care they need. Look up local substance abuse clinics and professionals, there are always open spots for those who are most in need so don't give up hope if one or two places are full.
Contact a substance abuse treatment service for more information.